Welcome to the KLF Khronicals. And Welcome To The Dark Ages.
With one month to go before The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu’s mysterious return to Liverpool I’ve decided to share my journey of discovery, overthinking, doubt, fear, curiosity, excitement, ignorance and speculation with you.
Entries will continue to be added over the next few weeks before the event itself takes place, at which time (assuming I have access to technology and am not actually going back to the Dark Ages) I will attempt to document my KLF experience.
Firstly a disclaimer. You’re going to despise me, get used to it. I’m not a KLF, The Jams, Justified Ancients of Mu Mu or The Timelords superfan. To say I wasn’t old enough the first time around would be an understatement as I was in fact just 5 years old at the time of the K Foundation burning and not actually born for most of their musical releases.
All of my KLF knowledge comes second hand, whether from John Higgs Chaos, Magic And The Band Who Burned A Million Pounds, Wikipedia or a brief interview I conducted with Alan Moore.
I am however increasingly intrigued by the prospect of this event and the bands history. In addition to this my life revolves around music and the type of events that peak my interest enough to get my lazy ass off my sofa and out into the generally unbearable world.
So here I am. If that’s not an adequate enough reason for you then tough.
January 2017
A video appears online that sparks the first of the “return” speculation.
March 2017
Posters appear confirming the return of The Jams and the imminent end of their Twenty Three Year Moratorium. The moniker K2 Plant Hire Ltd appears on the poster and is registered at companies house.
July 2017
Vague details of a 3 day event to mark the end of the bands self imposed Twenty Three Year Moratorium are released titled Welcome To The Dark Ages. It totals 98 words.
The three days are the 23rd, 24th and 25th August 2017. The titles of each of these three days are:
Day One – Why Did The K Foundation Burn A Million Quid?
Day Two – 2023: What The Fuuk Is Going On?
Day Three – The Rites of MuMufication.
There will only be 400 tickets available.
There are no guest lists.
There are no press passes.
Every one of the 400 ticket holders will be expected to be Volunteers.
WARNING: The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu in any of their various past, present or future guises will not be performing music.